Tina Patlas
Skin: Arinkuwula (Stone)

“I like doing my painting. The truth is, I’m a bit restless and it’s hard to get to sleep at night. Doing my painting helps me relax.” –Tina Patlas
Tina Patlas began painting for Jilamara Arts and Craft Association in 2002. Although Tina’s traditional country spans areas of south west Melville Island and south east Bathurst Island (including Wurrumiyanga), she spent most of her youth growing up in Milikapiti on the north coast of the island.
Tina works in the local community for Territory Housing, but has also painted at the art centre for many years. She held the position as Treasurer of the Jilamara Arts and Craft Association Executive Committee in 2003.
Tina paints her own Jilamara design about country, yoyi (ceremonial dance), Kulama ceremony and the wildlife of the Tiwi Islands. She has a special interest in the parlini jilamara, the old stories handed down by her ancestors.
When she was growing up, she watched her Grandfather, Holder Adams paint and carve where he lived at Timrambu – just south of Milikapiti. She says, “He used to sculpt toys for us to play with. This inspired me to become an artist.”